Littleseal Book

The adventures of a Harp seal pup.


“Welcome to the LITTLESEAL web site. This is the first time in the 500 year history of the Newfoundland Seal Hunt that such a point of view has been expressed by a Newfoundlander.

     LITTLESEAL is not against local sealers. It is in praise of the remarkable mammals who flourish and breed in the desolation of our North Atlantic ice floes, off the coasts of northern Newfoundland and southern Labrador.
     Harp seals are a part of the precious web of life that encircles our planet, and in this era of climate change and habitat depletion they should be encouraged and nurtured—not slaughtered.”
LITTLESEAL is the story of a harp seal pup, born on the ice floes of ‘The Front,’ off the northern tip of the island of Newfoundland.
Like the young of all species, he is playful, adventurous, and full of hope. In his first three weeks of life the challenges are many: an adoring eco-tourist; a hungry polar bear; and the inevitable separation from his mother, Patches.
But it is when his ice home is invaded by men with guns and gaffs that Littleseal meets his most powerful foe.
The story of the day-to-day joys and dangers of a young marine mammal, LITTLESEAL is written for the young (over the age of nine), and the young-at-heart.